Setiap perkara yang kita mahukan memerlukan DUIT. Jadi marilah kita sama-sama membuat DUIT sebanyak-banyaknya. Susah kita tanpa DUIT ni.
D .doa
U .usaha
I .istiqamah
T. tawakal
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Posted by kNajib at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
-> New Zealand Nature
[ New Zealand's Natural Heritage ]
What makes New Zealand's natural heritage so special?
Underlying New Zealand's physical attractions--its dramatic mountains, unpolluted beaches and green countryside--is an epic survival story of unique plants and animals.
Cast adrift from the ancient supercontinent of Gondwanaland, these ancient species evolved in isolation and struggled to survive in what renowned naturalist David Bellamy has called 'Moa's Ark' (named after New Zealand's native, but now extinct, giant flightless bird, the moa).
After only 1000 years of human settlement New Zealand has lost many native species. But impressive gains have been made in recent times to protect and enhance what is left. These include removing introduced pests from island wildlife sanctuaries, the establishment of 13 national parks, three maritime parks, two world heritage areas, hundreds of nature reserves and ecological areas, a network of marine reserves and wetlands, and protection for special rivers and lakes.
In total, around 30 percent of New Zealand's land area is protected conservation land.
In addition, research and management programmes have been introduced to aid the recovery of rare and endangered species like kakapo, kokako, kiwi and tuatara.
Labels: Nature
Posted by kNajib at 5:54 PM 0 comments
-> 20 Mental Strategies For Weightlifting/Fitness Success
Playing little mind games with yourself is a good way to motivate yourself. When your muscles fail, it is your mind that will take you to the next level. Here are a few tricks you can play on yourself to help you push your muscles harder.
[ 1. Rewards ]
Say you're finishing the last few reps of a set. It's starting to hurt and you're ready to quit. Imagine someone just offered you a million dollars to get one more rep. You would find a way to get that rep. Use other offers that would motivate you to keep going, e.g. pizza if you're on a diet.[ 2. Ghost Spotters And Lighter Weight ]
Imagine someone spotting you. Imagine this ghost spotter helping you finish that rep. You can always try imagining the weight is less than it actually is, too.
[ 3. Magnetic Force ]
If you're doing dumbbell presses, imagine they are two powerful magnets that are irresistibly drawn to each other. If you're curling, imagine your eyes as magnets attracting the bar towards them. If you're benching, imagine the bar being repelled by your chest. This technique is especially useful on that last, slow rep. It will help you squeeze a little extra out to finish the rep.
[ 4. Chopped-Up Sets ]
Here is a trick you can use to get the most out of high rep sets.
- When the going gets tough, start doing consecutive small sets of five reps.
- When you can't get five reps, do sets of three reps.
- When three reps seems impossible, convince yourself to do just two more reps.
- When you can't do sets of two, tell yourself just one more rep.
- Keep trying to get just one more rep until you can't move.
[ 5. Pain Management ]
Pain tolerance is a big factor in weight training intensity. The more pain you can take, the harder and longer you can push. A good way to fight pain is to tell yourself that it is not your pain; it is somebody else's. It sounds crazy but it works. You can also try the Corsican Twin technique. Imagine the pain you are going through is being felt by someone you don't like. The more you put yourself through, the more punishment they take. It also helps if you're a little masochistic. Really hard trainers learn to love the pain (not injury pain; hard work pain).[ 6. Self-Reprimand ]
To push harder, you may want to try self-reprimand, i.e. telling yourself how lazy you are, how small and weak you are. You should react by vigorously trying to prove yourself wrong.[ 7. Self-Praise ]
Self-praise is also good. Tell yourself how big and strong and powerful you are and how this weight is child's play.[ 8. The Little Voice In Your Head ]
Reprogram the little voice in your head. Most people have a little voice in their head that warns them not to do things that may seem unreasonable or threatening, e.g. you better not do that or you'll hurt yourself, you can't lift that much, this hurts, let's quit. This voice can undermine your confidence to lift extremely heavy weight or get those last few reps. Reprogram your little voice to tell you things like: that felt pretty good, let's add more weight or you can do another rep. Don't get too out of control but don't be scared. You can usually do more than you think you can and you never know until you try. Don't automatically assume you'll never accomplish anything or you never will.[ 9. Unreasonable Goals ]
Set almost unreasonable but achievable goals for yourself. Say for example, you know you can curl 50 pounds for ten reps. Set the goal of twelve reps and fight madly to get those twelve. It gives you the incentive to improve.[ 10. Competitions ]
Have competitions with a training partner or with yourself. Whoever gets the most reps with a certain weight or percentage of bodyweight has to buy dinner. Challenge yourself to break personal bests and reward yourself when you do. This type of competition can dramatically increase intensity.[ 11. Explosive Imagery ]
Just before a set, put images of explosive power in your head, e.g. rockets, artillery, a stampede, explosions, etc. This form of imagery will start up your adrenaline and give you a little extra kick in the pants to get your set going. Imagine this explosive power rocketing the weights you are using.[ 12. Mind In Muscle ]
Try to put your mind in the muscle you're working. Try to consciously fire the muscle fibers.[ 13. Contact ]
Getting a spotter to just touch you and not push can give you extra force. This is partly psychological and partly physical. The contact of body's energy fields can actually give you a little extra lift. It is not all in your head and it is not all quackery. It does work.[ 14. Ratcheting ]
When the going gets tough, imagine your muscles as ratchets; stopping, redoubling the force, pushing a little more, stopping, redoubling, etc.[ 15. Positive And Negative Stimuli ]
When doing exercises where you are pushing something away from you, e.g. bench, imagine the bar as a negative stimulus (an ugly person, a chainsaw, etc.). When doing exercises where you are pulling something towards you, imagine the bar as a positive stimulus (an attractive person, a chocolate cake, etc.).[ 16. Donald Duck ]
If you find your inner voice speaking negatively, change the voice so it sounds like Daffy or Donald Duck. You won't be inclined to take it so seriously.[ 17. Enjoy It ]
Learn to enjoy the pain. Eat it up.[ 18. Borrow Energy ]
Borrow energy from other people. This can be done before a set or when the going is getting tough. Using a mirror or looking directly, look at someone squarely in the eyes. Give them a smile or a nod or a psychotic grin and imagine yourself drawing energy from them. At that point, two people are focusing their energy on the set. You may or may not make friends with this one.[ 19. Mentor ]
Imagine you have a mentor or someone you are trying to impress standing over you and watching as you do your set. Imagine they are encouraging you and pushing you harder and harder.[ 20. Threats ]
Threats can also work. If someone put a gun to your head and said "three more reps", you would find a way to get those reps. Imagine this situation to get those reps.
Labels: Fitness
Posted by kNajib at 2:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
-> FIT-kah anda
Bagi seseorang atlet dalam sesuatu sukan yang spesifik, banyak elemen-elemen fitness yang diambil kira. Tetapi saya akan terangkan 4 elemen utama iaitu ‘Kardiovaskular’, ‘Kekuatan otot’, ‘Daya tahan otot’ dan ‘Fleksibiiti’. Saya akan menjadikan seorang pendaki sebagai subjek ukuran setiap elemen.
[ Kardiovaskular ]
Apa • masalahnya apabila.. anda mengangkat backpack dan mendaki dalam jarak 100m dan tercungap-cungap macam lari 100m olimpik.
Kenapa • jantung anda tak cukup kuat untuk menge-pam darah ke seluruh badan terutama pada otot-otot yang digunakan seperti kaki. So jantung terpaksa kembang dan kucup dengan kadar yg lebih kerap.
Macammana • kuatkan jantung supaya jantung dapat menyalurkan darah keseluruh badan dengan kadar pengucupan yg kurang.
So.. • senaman kardio seperti berlari (berlari dan berjoging adalah berbeza), berenang, skipping, martial art dan latihan bebanan yang spesifik. Tetapkan masa dan intensity untuk menguji tahap anda.
[ Fleksibiiti ]
Apa • .. keupayaan otot untuk diregang dan bergerak lancar pada tahap maksimum dari setiap sudut keupayaan sendi. Senang cerite, fleksible.
Kenapa • Keadaan hutan gunung-ganang mempunyai kadar permukaan yang berbagai, kejap naik kejap turun, kejap kangkang kejap terkedek-kedek, kejap berjalan itik kejap lompat kijang. So otot kite kene la bersedia bergerak dalam jangkauan keadaan yang berbagai dengan baik dan lancar bagi mengelakkan sebarang kecederaan. Contohnya sesetengah keadaan otot yang tiada fleksibiliti ianya keras/ketat dan mudah terkoyak.
Macammana • mempersediakan otot untuk diregang pada tahap maksimum dalam sebarang aktiviti supaya tidak tercedera, is juga salah satu daripada cara bagi mempercepatkan proses pemulihan otot-otot selepas menjalankan aktiviti yang lasak.
So.. • amalkan regangan sebelum dan selepas sebarang aktiviti juga sebelum dan selepas ‘warm-up’ dan warm-down’.
[ Kekuatan Otot ]
Apa • masalahnya apabila.. anda ingin memulakan perjalanan anda tidak larat mengangkat bagpack anda yang besar bergabak macam tayar treler walhal anda baru minum redbull 5 tin (maksud saya, bertenaga lagi)
Kenapa • anda mempunyai tenaga untuk disalurkan kepada otot yang berkerja tapi otot itu tiada kekuatan aka mampu untuk mengangkat bebanan bag anda.
Senang cerite otot anda tak kuat.
Macammana • Latih dan biasakan otot supaya mampu mengangkat bebanan yg paling berat (seperti superman). Lagi berat lagi bagus.
So.. • Latihan bebanan dalam bentuk repetition yang kurang dengan bebanan yang berat.
[ Daya Tahan Otot ]
Apa • masalahnya apabila.. anda kuat dan bertenaga tapi setelah mendaki selama 30 minit kaki anda tak larat lagi untuk teruskan walaupon nafas anda masih teratur.
Kenapa • Secara saintifik tenaga tak dapat dihasilkan secara konsisten untuk digunakan otot yang bekerja dalam jangka masa yang panjang.
Senang cerite otot takde endurance.
Macammana • Latih dan biasakan otot supaya mampu bekerja dalam jangka masa panjang dan kawalan pernafasan adelah penting kerana penghasilan tenaga dalam fasa ini memerlukan oksigen yang lebih.
So.. • Latihan adalah lebih kurang sama seperti latihan untuk muscle strength tetapi bebanan dikurangkan dan bilangan ulangan/repetition dan juga set di tambah.
*info yang terpapar adalah asas dan berdasarkan tahap intelektual penulis. Sila rujuk kepada pakar untuk maklumat lanjut.
Labels: Fitness
Posted by kNajib at 4:26 PM 0 comments